Why You Can Trust the Biblical Gospels

Read the article to discover the significance of the Bible and how it compares to the Apocryphal writings. While many readers tend to give the Apocryphal sources more weight, the Apocryphal writings contradict many clear Bible teachings. What source should we trust? This article provides valuable insight into these questions and more. Don't miss out on this chance to deepen your faith by understanding the authority and correctness of the Greek New Testament!

Sir William Ramsay Defends the New Testament

Sir William Ramsay, an atheist and the son of atheists, tried to disprove the Bible. He was a wealthy person who had graduated from the prestigious University of Oxford. Like Albright, Ramsay studied under the famous liberal German historical school in the mid-nineteenth century.

How Can We Know the Bible Includes the Correct Books?

Why are there only these 66 books in the Bible? Because God is the ultimate author of the Bible, and He inspired only these 66. All Scripture is breathed out of the mouth of God (Mt 4:4; 2 Tm 3:16). What the human authors wrote did not originate with them but with God, who moved upon them (2 Sm 23:2; 1 Pt 1:20–21).

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