TEENS – There Is Hope

Maybe your life up to this point has been a feeling of despair, a sense of hopelessness, believing that there is no way out, with no expectation that anything will ever change. One thing social media and 24-hour news have done is help us to appreciate that everyone is touched by a tragedy of one... Continue Reading →

TEENS – There Is Help

Both physicians and mental health professionals will tell you a little stress is a good thing and can be healthy. However, excessive long-term stress can be physically and psychologically harmful, which can contribute to your spiraling into a bout of depression. Some stress-related factors that have contributed to teen depression are academic overload, overly high... Continue Reading →

TEENS – Things will Change Soon

It seems that you are often troubled on all sides, and yes it may be frustrating even painful, but you should never be in despair or feel crushed. Maybe your peers are bullying you, or your family is abusing you. However, you are never without friends. Yes, this life can badly hurt you at times;... Continue Reading →

TEENS – Where Do I Fit In?

The teen movies from the 1980s forward are a reality of how teens form different clicks. These clicks are a group of 2 to 12 (averaging 5 or 6) “who interact with each other more regularly and intensely than others in the same setting.”[1] The most common are the geeks or nerds, or jocks, mean... Continue Reading →

TEENS – Dealing with Loneliness

Intense feelings of loneliness can be so overwhelming they could lead to alcoholism, drug abuse, even suicide. If it drags on for weeks, it would be best to seek the help of a Christian counselor. In the meantime, give some of our articles on this blog an opportunity. They offer practical advice along with Scriptural counsel.

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