The Spirit and Christians

It has been aptly and truthfully said, “No importance can be attached to a religion that is not begun, carried on and completed by the Spirit of God.” That the Christian is led, guided and strengthened by the Spirit cannot be denied by any Bible reader. To deny the fact that the Spirit dwells in... Continue Reading →

What Does the Bible Really Say About the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit?

Some have felt that this verse suggests that the Holy Spirit lives within the believers and is in them, providing guidance, comfort, and strength. This is not the case. This is not how the Holy Spirit guides and directs Christians. Some Calvinistic and charismatic-minded Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is given to believers at the moment of conversion and indwells them for the rest of their lives, providing them with spiritual gifts and enabling them to live in accordance with God's will. If this were the truth of the matter, Christians would never sin, make a mistake, or err in any way. The Holy Spirit would guide the Christian in some things and then let them run a muck in other things. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a very misunderstood aspect of the Christian faith, and if understood properly, it is a source of strength and guidance for believers as they seek to follow Jesus and live for him. So, within this article, the reader will receive what the Bible really says about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

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