Single Meaning or Multiple Meanings of a Biblical Text?

We have grammatical-historical-interpretation and grammatical-critical-historical interpretation. The former preserved objectivity in interpretation, the latter subjectivity. The former preserved the integrity and trustworthiness of the Bible writers and the text; the latter made both the Bible writer and the text untrustworthy. In other words, New Hermeneutics, with its pseudo-scholarship has done nothing more than weaken and demoralize people’s assurance in the Bible being the inspired and fully inerrant Word of God.

Diagnosing the Health of the Church (Ephesus 2:1-7)

It is clear from this letter to the church in Ephesus that Christians can lose their first love. They can become busy in the Lord's workout of duty rather than love. The challenge is to be filled with fervent, emotional, extravagant love for Jesus. The heart can grow cold to God. Christian zeal for the Lord can diminish. Every Christian church needs to conduct a spiritual audit to ascertain if it needs to remember, repent, repeat the first works, and return to first love.

Finding an Interpretive Approach to the Revelation of John

The Book of Revelation was written around A.D. 95 in Asia Minor by the apostle John, who, was on the island of Patmos, not far from the coast of Asia Minor. Revelation is one of the most fascinating books of the Bible. However, much debate surrounds the proper interpretation of this work. Is it a prophecy of future events yet to take place, or have the prophecies of this book been fulfilled?

Does God Change His Mind?

How this question is answered has a bearing on our understanding of the doctrine of God, particularly in relation to aspects of his character such as his sovereignty and immutability. But it also affects our understanding of prayer.

CHRISTIANS: The Search for Truth

Decades ago, when two people had a disagreement, they had three options: continue to disagree, adopt the opponent’s view, or mutually agree on some third viewpoint. A fourth option has been invented and become practically mandatory in modern times: everybody’s viewpoint is correct.

You Took that Bible Verse Out of Context

In discussions concerning interpretations of the Bible, we often hear the phrase, “you took that out of context.” In fact, we often hear that in discussions outside the Bible, as when the media quotes a politician and the politician feels he or she has been unfairly treated. In its popular usage, the phrase seems simply to mean, “You got that wrong.”

THE BIBLE: Greatest Sentence that Was Ever Written!

That is the greatest sentence that has ever been written. That sums up the whole contents of the Bible. If I were asked for a sentence to print in letters of gold on the outside of our Bible, a sentence that summed up the whole contents of the Book, it would be this one, “_____________.”

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