HEBREW TEXT: The Hebrew Texts

The Sopherim The Sopherim (scribes) were copyist from the days of Ezra down to the time of Jesus. While they were very serious about their task as a copyist, they did take liberties in making textual changes at times. Whether this was what Jesus had in mind cannot be know for certain, but Jesus condemned... Continue Reading →

The Qumran Residents: Were they Essenes?

We have determined that, the Dead Sea Scrolls were the library of the Qumran community, who were its people? Early on, in 1947 Professor Eleazar Sukenik obtained three scrolls from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; thereafter, suggesting that these scrolls had belonged to the Essene Community.

When Did the Hebrew Language Begin to Fade In Use?

"When Did the Hebrew Language Begin to Fade In Use?" examines the historical shifts that led to the decline in the usage of Hebrew. The article delves into the factors contributing to this linguistic evolution, including the influence of Aramaic and other languages. Through a rigorous analysis grounded in historical records and Scriptural references, the article seeks to pinpoint the era in which Hebrew started to wane as a commonly spoken language.

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