CHRISTIANS: Working for Christ

One of the important conditions of growth and strength in the Christian life is work. No man can keep up his physical strength without exercise and no man can keep up his spiritual strength without spiritual exercise, i.e., without working for his Master.

CHRISTIANS: Suffer Persecution Faithfully

One of the discouragements that meet every true Christian before he has gone very far in the Christian life is persecution. God tells us in His Word that “All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” (2 Tim. 3:12)

God Loves Us Unconditionally – Unconditional Love Claim

Some argue that if we say God's love is conditional love; then, it is “earned” based on certain conditions that his servants would have to meet. At the same time, they say unconditional love is given willingly and totally without any expectation in return. They say God loving conditionally means He loves His servants only if they deserve the love. On the other hand, God loving unconditionally means to love regardless of the servant of God being unworthy of love. This way of thinking, usually by Calvinist-minded scholars, is misleading and so contrary to the Scriptures.

Sexual Immorality Defiles the Church

Sex is big business. In fact, pornographic literature, films, internet, and videos are major items of export and import. These wicked wares are flogged openly in the streets of such cities as Copenhagen and Amsterdam. Frankfurt airport even has a sex shop indicated with a rude sign.

True Faith Explained

When a person stops trusting in their own abilities, which have proven to be untrustworthy, and places their trust in God, who has proven Himself to be trustworthy, then that person is pleasing to God (Hebrews 11:6).

THE BIBLE: Greatest Sentence that Was Ever Written!

That is the greatest sentence that has ever been written. That sums up the whole contents of the Bible. If I were asked for a sentence to print in letters of gold on the outside of our Bible, a sentence that summed up the whole contents of the Book, it would be this one, “_____________.”

CHRISTIANS: Can Imperfect Humans Save the Earth?

The Bible prophesied that man would ‘ruin the earth.’ (Revelation 11:18) Will humans completely ruin the earth? How much damage will imperfect humanity cause? Is there a point where the earth cannot be restored? Worriedly, we ask, will we ruin the earth to the point where it will be beyond repair? Don't some Christians teach that the earth is slated for destruction anyway, so why does it even matter?

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