ISLAM and Shariah Law

Kerby Anderson, President of Probe Ministries and host of "Point of View" radio show, discusses the divide between Western acceptance of church-state separation and Muslim favor for sharia law. He highlights the persecution of Christians and Jews under sharia, the treatment of women, and the impacts of apostasy and polygamy. Sharia's contrast with U.S. Constitution and state laws is also addressed.

Christian Way of Life Even In Satan’s World

Navigate through Satan's world as a Christian. Understand the spiritual warfare you face and learn how the armor of God, prayer, love, service, and a non-conforming attitude can help you uphold the Christian way of life. Discover the power of sanctification and the importance of devotion to God amidst worldly challenges.

TEENS: Resisting Peer Pressure to Do Wrong

“Peer pressure is the influence that a peer group, observers or individual exerts that encourages others to change their attitudes, values, or behaviors to conform the group norms.”[1] In some ways, this could be for the better if the group had good attitudes, values, or behaviors that molded you into a better person. However, many... Continue Reading →

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