John 18:38: Pilate said to him, “What is truth?”

This question is one that every sincere Christian should ask and seek to answer. We should learn to love and value truth for our welfare and esteem and honor it above all else by proclaiming and admitting the existence or truth of _____________ wherever it may be found and regardless of whoever stated it.

Pontius Pilate Who Was He?

Pontius Pilate was the fifth governor of the Roman province of Judaea, serving under Emperor Tiberius from the year 26/27 to 36/37. He is best known today for being the official who presided over the trial of Jesus and ordered his crucifixion.

What Does the Bible Really Teach or Say About “Truth”?

What do the Hebrew and Greek terms that are rendered truth mean exactly? Is there a distinction between Greek and Hebrew conceptions of truth? In what sense is the Father “the God of truth.” What is the meaning of the statement that Jesus Christ is himself “the truth”?  How are we to under the Holy Spirit as “the Spirit of the truth”? How is it that God’s Word is truth? How is the creation of all things a testimony to the truth? What does it mean to ‘walking in the truth’?

JOHN 18:38: “What Is Truth?”

In the United States, there are 350,000 churches, making up hundreds of denominations. Eighty percent of these are stagnant, with nineteen percent growing only through childbirth, and less than one percent being by conversion. Moreover, there is a great divide among those Christians, who make up these churches. How can we as Christians turn this around, and find unity amongst ourselves? As Pilate said, “What is truth?”

Pilate said to Jesus, “What is truth?”

In the United States, there are 350,000 churches, making up hundreds of denominations. Eighty percent of these are stagnant, with nineteen percent growing only through childbirth, and less than one percent being by conversion. Moreover, there is a great divide among those Christians, who make up these churches. How can we as Christians turn this around, and find unity amongst ourselves?

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