Theology a Science

Every science has two factors: facts and ideas, or facts and the mind. Science is more than knowledge. Knowledge is the persuasion of what is true on adequate evidence. If theology is a science, it must include something more than mere knowledge of facts. It must embrace an exhibition of the internal relation of those facts, one to another and each to all. It must be able to show that if one is admitted, others cannot be denied.


Few words indeed have been used in such a vague, indefinite sense as Mysticism. Its etymology does not determine its meaning. A μύστης was one initiated into the knowledge of the Greek mysteries, one to whom secret things had been revealed. Hence in the wide sense of the word, a Mystic is one who claims to see or know what is hidden from other men, whether this knowledge is attained by immediate intuition, or by inward revelation. In most cases these methods were assumed to be identical, as intuition was held to be the immediate vision of God and of divine things. Hence, in the wide sense of the word, Mystics are those who claim to be under the immediate guidance of God or of his Spirit.

SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY 101: What Is Rationalism and Why Is It Unsound and Harmful?

By Rationalism is meant the system or theory which assigns undue authority to reason in matters of religion. By reason is not to be understood the Logos as revealed in man, as held by some of the Fathers, and by Cousin and other modern philosophers, nor the intuitional faculty as distinguished from the understanding or the discursive faculty. The word is taken in its ordinary sense for the cognitive faculty, that which perceives, compares, judges, and infers.

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