Isaiah 35:8-9: What is the Highway of Holiness?

“The Way of Holiness: this is obviously a seriously meant requirement, for the unclean cannot travel it. This is the equivalent of the ‘law of God’ passage in 33:14–16. The Lord never reduces his standards to match the weaknesses of his people; he raises his people to the height of his standards. How this will happen Isaiah does not say; he simply leaves us to assume that such meeting of the requirements of the law is achieved for the Lord’s people by his work of salvation (4f.) and redemption (9d, 10a), for the redeemed will walk there! Unclean (ṭāmē’) refers to impurities catered for by the sacrifices. Those disqualified from walking the Way of Holiness are therefore self-disqualified through failure to use the means of grace available to them.”—J. Alec Motyer,

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