The Dual Moments of Christ’s High Priesthood and the Inauguration of the New Covenant

The article explores Jesus Christ's role as the High Priest in the New Testament and the timing of the new covenant's validation and inauguration. It explains that Jesus became High Priest after his resurrection, adopting the responsibility of mediating between God and man. Furthermore, His death and resurrection validated the new covenant, but its fuller realization is a gradual process that will culminate with His return to establish His kingdom on earth.

The Unique Preparedness of Paul to Address Hebrew Believers

This blog explores Apostle Paul's qualifications to write the Letter to the Hebrews, a cornerstone document in Christian belief. Being of Jewish origin and a Roman citizen, Paul's cultural background and extensive theological training helped him connect with both Jewish and Gentile believers. The blog also delves into the arguments articulated in the letter, including the superiority of Christ, the fulfillment of the law by Jesus, the New Covenant, and the essence of faith.

Defending the Authorship of Paul’s Letter to the Hebrews

In a rigorous examination rooted in the historical-grammatical method of interpretation, this article defends the stance that the Apostle Paul is indeed the author of the Letter to the Hebrews. We tackle the arguments against Pauline authorship, presenting evidence that bolsters the claim that Paul penned this influential New Testament epistle.

Look Straight Ahead as a Christian

"Look Straight Ahead as a Christian" emphasizes the importance of keeping a steadfast gaze on our faith, just like Moses, Jesus, and faithful men of old. The article encourages Christians to develop a positive outlook, build greater faith and trust, deepen spirituality, and to walk with God. By aligning our lives with these principles, we can look forward to a rich reward.

Were the Habiru the Biblical Hebrews?

Exploring the intriguing question: Were the Habiru the Biblical Hebrews? This in-depth analysis examines linguistic, social, geographical, and historical evidence to uncover the distinct identities of these two ancient groups.

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