Who Were the Asmoneans (Hasmoneans) Between Malachi and Matthew

A remarkable priestly family of Modin, in Judea, also called Hasmoneans or Maccabees. They belonged to that portion of the Jewish nation which under all trials and temptations remained loyal to Jehovah, even when the national life and religion seemed at their lowest ebb, and they succeeded, for a while at least, in restoring the name and fame of Israel.


The Hasideans (Hebrew: חסידים הראשונים‎, Hasidim ha-Rishonim, Greek Ἀσιδαῖοι, also transcribed Hasidæans, Assideans, Hassideans or Assideans) were a Jewish religious party which played an important role in political life only during the time of the Maccabean wars, although it had existed for quite some time previous. – Wikipedia Hasideanz (Hasidaioi, a transliteration of chacidhim, "the pious," "Puritans"): A name assumed... Continue Reading →

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