The Doctrine of Atonement: God’s Bridge to Humanity

The doctrine of atonement, central to Christian theology, addresses humanity's need for reconciliation with God due to inherited sin. This concept involves the divine provision of reconciliation through Jesus Christ's sacrificial work and necessitates a human response of faith and repentance. Understanding and embracing atonement leads to a transformative journey of faith and redemption.

How Can Jesus’ Death Bring Forgiveness?

Explore the profound significance of Jesus Christ's death as the cornerstone of Christian theology. This article delves into how His crucifixion serves as a sacrifice, propitiation, and substitutionary atonement, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies and providing the pathway for humanity's forgiveness and salvation.

Crucifixion or Impalement—Cross or Stake? Which One Was It?

The debate over the crucifixion method of Jesus arises from different interpretations. Most scholars agree Jesus was crucified on a cross, supported by historical and archaeological findings. The Jehovah's Witnesses argue for impalement, citing linguistic and figurative evidence. However, the majority view remains crucifixion. The debate involves historical, linguistic, and spiritual significance, but no conclusive evidence supports impalement.

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