Obedience to Governing Authorities: How Does Romans 13:2 Guide Christian Conduct?

In this article, we delve into the Apostle Paul's teachings on the Christian's role in society. This article explores the deep implications of Romans 13:2, offering a thorough biblical exegesis to understand the balance between civil obedience and spiritual integrity. It examines the concept of God's sovereignty in establishing authorities and the critical role of Christian conscience when civil and divine laws conflict. Reflecting on historical interpretations, this piece provides insights into how Christians can navigate their relationship with secular authorities, emphasizing the importance of lawful behavior and respect for societal order, while upholding the supremacy of God's commandments.

Acts 1:8—“You Shall Receive Power”

Acts 1:8—“You Shall Receive Power” is a profound passage that outlines the mission of the apostles and sets the stage for the spread of the Gospel. In this in-depth exegetical commentary, explore the meaning of this text, the specific empowerment given to the apostles, and the implications for understanding the Christian mission.

THE PASTOR IN HIS SERMON: “The English Says, …”

How many times have we been in church listening to the preacher do a good job expositing (explaining) the text?  At some point, he says “Now, what the Greek actually says is…” At that pronouncement, the congregation grows a little quieter and a little more attentive.  Why is that?

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