Let it be borne in mind all along the line of our thought that we cannot come even into quiet possession of the truth without overcoming the opposition of forces, within and without, which would keep us from it; that we cannot, except by a high and sustained valor, bring our own lines into true and full conformity to the truth where so much is to be accomplished in molding character and life into this likeness, and where ...

Uphold the Truth of God’s Word

Satan the Devil is “the father of the lie,” who has deceived people since the beginning of human history. (John 8:44) In order to uphold the truth, we need to know the spirit of the truth, and it is important that we get the sense of Scriptures that we use in our lives and share with others in our ministry. We need to take into account their context and the intent of the author, what did he mean by the words that he used.

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