Why You Can Trust the Biblical Gospels

Read the article to discover the significance of the Bible and how it compares to the Apocryphal writings. While many readers tend to give the Apocryphal sources more weight, the Apocryphal writings contradict many clear Bible teachings. What source should we trust? This article provides valuable insight into these questions and more. Don't miss out on this chance to deepen your faith by understanding the authority and correctness of the Greek New Testament!

GNOSTICISM: The Jesus of the Gnostics

Scholar R. E. O. White calls Gnosticism a combination of “philosophic speculation, superstition, semi-magical rites, and sometimes a fanatical and even obscene cultus.” Andrew M. Greeley of the University of Arizona says: “The Jesus of the Gnostics is sometimes incoherent, sometimes unintelligible, and sometimes more than a little creepy.” Jesus as Gnostic savior — Jesus is identified by some Gnostics as an embodiment of the supreme being who became incarnate to bring …

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