What Is the Truth About the Dead Sea Scrolls?

Before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest manuscripts of the Hebrew Scriptures were from about the ninth and tenth centuries C.E. Could these manuscripts truly be relied upon as faithful transmissions of God’s Word, since the writing of the Hebrew Scriptures was completed well over one thousand years earlier?

Discovering the Bible Over the Centuries

Discover a better-understood Bible by exploring modern-speech translations, which use language accessible to people today and provide a more accurate representation of the original text. Break free from the limitations of the King James Version and delve deeper into God’s Word.

If Someone Says—‘I Don’t Believe in the Bible’

This text explores common skeptics’ doubts regarding the authenticity of the Bible and provides substantiated arguments in its defense. The defenses include the Bible’s factual integrity affirmed by archeology, its ethical framework influencing morality and legality, predictive accuracy in prophecies, textual continuity confirmed by ancient manuscripts, internal consistency despite varied authorship, and life-altering impact. The author argues that these validate the Bible’s authenticity, divine inspiration, and capacity to withstand scrutiny.

The Life of Christ: An Archaeological Perspective

The life of Jesus Christ is one of the most studied and debated subjects in human history. For centuries, people have sought to understand the man behind the legend, the historical events that shaped his life, and the impact he had on the world. While the majority of our knowledge of Jesus comes from the Bible, archaeological discoveries have also provided important insights into his life and times.

7Q4 AND 7Q5: Cave 7 of Qumran Dead Sea Manuscripts: Are They Fragments of the Gospel of Mark and 1 Timothy?

Some eminent papyrologists, H. Hunger and O. Montevecchi, have affirmed Marcan identification. Still the debate of positive Marcan identification goes on; Some papyrologists argue for it,6 some argue against it, and one scholar has come up with a new identification altogether, namely Zechariah 7:4-5. In addition to proposing Marcan identification for 7Q5, O’Callaghan proposed identification of 1 Timothy 3:16-4:1 for 7Q4.

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