Christians Evangelizing Buddhists

Discover the nuances of engaging in dialogue between Christian and Buddhist perspectives. Explore how Christians can respectfully converse with Buddhists, finding common ground while presenting the unique aspects of the Christian faith.

Are Scientology and the Bible Compatible?

The article examines fundamental differences between Scientology's teachings and biblical Christianity, focusing on scripture, the nature of God, Jesus Christ, human existence, and the concept of salvation, highlighting the irreconcilable contrasts between these two belief systems.

Christians—How Can We Help Others to Do God’s Will?

The blog post stresses the collective responsibility of Christians in promoting spiritual growth and God's will through various means. These include discipleship, effective gospel communication, providing spiritual support, maintaining sound doctrine, nurturing local church communities, and actively participating in evangelism and outreach activities. This process, as outlined, not only helps in personal spiritual development but also assists others in knowing and living God's will.

Sacred Writings of Major Religions

Explore the profound and “divine” world of the sacred writings of major religions. Unravel the wisdom embedded in the Holy Scriptures of the Bible but lacking in Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Mormonism. Understand how these religious texts shape the beliefs, values, and practices of billions across the globe.

CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS: A Look at Mormonism (Mormons or Latter-day Saints)

This comprehensive examination of Mormonism dives into the key beliefs and practices of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), offering insightful perspectives on its unique theology, conception of life and death, marriage doctrines, and the role of missionary work. A must-read for anyone seeking to understand the intricacies of Mormonism from a balanced viewpoint.

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