TUCKER CARLSON​ (Fox News): Congressman: Why a commission’s needed on Russian hacking

The content discusses international political interference and the hypocrisy of accusing Trump of collusion with Russia. It highlights the common practice of countries favoring certain candidates in foreign elections and encourages prayer for leaders. Additionally, it cites instances of US involvement in foreign elections. Overall, the content emphasizes the importance of making decisions that protect religious freedom.

TUCKER CARLSON (Fox News): Will Electors Stage an Electoral College Coup?

This content provides extensive information on various topics, including the Electoral College and the challenges faced by Christians. It covers the history and functioning of the Electoral College, the pressure faced by electors, and the conservative worldview. It also delves into the endurance and perseverance required in the face of challenges, drawing on biblical references. The text also discusses the potential causes and consequences of drifting away from faith.

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